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OET Feedback Session (30 mins)
Get valuable corrections and feedback on 1 of your OET skills.
25 Canadian dollars
What do you get?
Get personalized corrections, feedback and advice on your OET writing or speaking. Understand your strengths and weaknesses better, learn what might be stopping you from reaching your score and get tips on how to improve your overall scores.
Cancellation period
PRIVATE COURSE REFUNDS: 100% refundable when cancelled 24 hours before course starts. PRIVATE COURSE RESCHEDULES ALLOWED: 4 hour package = 0. 8 hour package = 1. 12 hour package = 1. 16 hour package = 2. GROUP COURSE REFUNDS: 100% refundable when cancelled 24 hours before course starts. GROUP COURSE RESCHEDULES ALLOWED: No rescheduling classes.
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